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Digital Publics and Intelligent Cooperation

On the topicality of John Dewey’s democratic experimentalism

My research focuses on theory of the public sphere of John Dewey (1859-1952), the great American philosopher, educator and psychologist. His approach of a democratic experimentalism serves me as a methodological framework for a theory of contemporary digitally networked publics. This approach is useful for the inquiry into contemporary developments and challenges for democratic societies, such as the emergence of new collective actors, new forms of cooperation and social innovations to solve public issues.

The dissertation was submitted in July 2017 and defended in December 2017. [download table of contents]

My supervisor and first appraiser at the Institute for Philosophy of the University of Potsdam is Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Krüger, the editor of the German translation of John Dewey’s “The Public and its Problems.

My second appraiser is Prof. Dr. Simone Dietz who helds the chair for practical philosophy at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf. She published on public sphere theory, digital publics and fake news.

Research interests

My research interests include